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Home page | TAH partonomy |
Top level | organa sensoria Short Extended |
Level 2 | organum vestibulocochleare (par) Short Extended |
Current level | auris interna (par) Short |
Subsidiary language with Latin | |
Non Latin primary language |
Partonomy list |
FMA | TA | UID | ISA |
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
60909 | 7247 | tax |
auris interna (par)
internal ear (pair) ; inner ear (pair)
268963 | 7249 | tax |
labyrinthus osseus (par)
bony labyrinth (pair)
60183 | 7250 | tax |
vestibulum (par) P4 31 children
vestibule (pair)
61017 | 7251 | tax |
recessus ellipticus (par) ; recessus utricularis (par)
elliptic recess (pair) ; utricular recess (pair)
56451 | 578 | tax | ||||
56421 | 579 | tax | ||||
77741 | 7253 | tax |
crista vestibuli (par)
vestibular crest (pair)
77742 | 7254 | tax |
pyramis vestibuli (par)
pyramis of vestibule (pair)
76936 | 7255 | tax |
recessus sphericus (par) ; recessus saccularis (par)
spherical recess (pair) ; saccular recess (pair)
76937 | 7256 | tax |
recessus cochlearis (par)
cochlear recess (pair)
77705 | 7257 | tax |
maculae cribrosae (par)
macula cribrosae (pair)
77722 | 7258↓ | tax |
macula cribrosa superior (par)
macula cribrosa superior (pair)
77723 | 7259 | tax |
macula cribrosa media (par)
macula cribrosa media (pair)
77724 | 7260 | tax |
macula cribrosa inferior (par)
macula cribrosa inferior (pair)
60186 | 7261 | tax |
canales semicirculares (par) P4 29 children
semicircular canals (pair)
60187 | 7262 | tax |
canalis semicircularis anterior (par)
anterior semicircular canal (pair) ; superior semicircular canal (pair)
60204 | 7263 | tax |
ampulla ossea anterior (par)
anterior bony ampulla (pair)
60190 | 7264 | tax |
canalis semicircularis posterior (par)
posterior semicircular canal (pair)
60210 | 7265 | tax |
ampulla ossea posterior (par)
posterior bony ampulla (pair)
60198 | 7266 | tax |
crus osseum commune (par)
common bony limb (pair); common crus (pair)
7267 | tax |
crura ossea ampullaria (par)
ampullary bony limbs (pair)
60193 | 7268 | tax |
canalis semicircularis lateralis (par)
lateral semicircular canal (pair) ; horizontal semicircular canal (pair)
60216 | 7269 | tax |
ampulla ossea lateralis (par)
lateral bony ampulla (pair)
77757 | 7270 | tax |
crus osseum simplex (par)
simple bony limb (pair)
60201 | 7271 | tax |
cochlea (par) P4 58 children
cochlea (pair)
77706 | 7272 | tax |
cupula cochleae (par)
cochlear cupula (pair)
326269 | 7273 | tax |
basis cochleae (par)
base of cochlea (pair)
75371 | 7274 | tax |
canalis spiralis cochleae (par)
spiral canal of cochlea (pair)
77710 | 7275 | tax |
lamina spiralis ossea (par)
bony spiral lamina (pair)
77754 | 7276 | tax |
lamella vestibularis (par)
vestibular lamella (pair)
77755 | 7277 | tax |
lamella tympanica (par)
tympanic lamella (pair)
323093 | 7278 | tax |
habenula perforata (par)
habenula perforata (pair)
75675 | 7279 | tax |
hamulus laminae spiralis osseae (par)
hook of bony spiral lamina (pair)
75680 | 7280 | tax |
lamina spiralis secundaria (par)
secondary spiral layer (pair)
56454 | 585 | tax | ||||
56424 | 586 | tax | ||||
77759 | 7282 | tax |
septum cochleae (par)
cochlear septum (pair)
61278 | 7283 | tax |
modiolus cochleae (par)
modiolus of cochlea (pair)
75640 | 7284 | tax |
basis modioli (par)
base of modiolus (pair)
77710 | 7285 | tax |
lamina modioli (par)
layer of modiolus (pair)
75372 | 7286 | tax |
canalis spiralis modioli (par)
spiral canal of modiolus (pair)
323098 | 7287 | tax |
canales longitudinales modioli (par)
longitudinal canals of modiolus (pair)
61269 | 7288 | tax |
scala vestibuli (par)
scala vestibuli (pair)
61275 | 7289 | tax |
helicotrema (par)
helicotrema (pair)
61272 | 7290 | tax |
scala tympani (par)
scala tympani (pair)
77745 | 7300 | tax |
spatium perilymphaticum (par)
perilymphatic space (pair)
8256 |
textus reticularis laxus perilymphaticus (par)
perilymphatic loose reticular tissue (pair)
8259 | tax |
trabecula perilymphatica (par)
perilymphatic trabecula (pair)
321537 | 14131 | tax |
ductus perilymphaticus (par)
perilymphatic duct (pair)
60908 | 7301 |
perilympha (par)
perilymph (pair)
61022 | 7304 | tax |
labyrinthus membranaceus (par)
membranous labyrinth (pair)
77823 | 7305 | tax |
spatium endolymphaticum (par)
endolymphatic space (pair)
61112 | 7306 |
endolympha (par)
endolymph (pair)
61255 | 7307 | tax |
labyrinthus vestibularis (par)
vestibular labyrinth (pair)
61113 | 7308 | tax |
utriculus (par)
utricle (pair)
61017 | 7309 | tax |
recessus utriculi (par)
utricular recess (pair)
61116 | 7310 | tax |
sacculus (par)
saccule (pair)
61122 | 7311 | tax |
ductus semicirculares (par) P4 44 children
semicircular ducts (pair)
61123 | 7312 | tax |
ductus semicircularis anterior (par)
anterior semicircular duct (pair)
61132 | 7313 | tax |
ampulla membranacea anterior (par)
anterior membranous ampulla (pair)
61126 | 7314 | tax |
ductus semicircularis posterior (par)
posterior semicircular duct (pair)
61135 | 7315 | tax |
ampulla membranacea posterior (par)
posterior membranous ampulla (pair)
61249 | 7316 | tax |
crus membranaceum commune (par)
common membranous leg (pair)
61262 | 7317 | tax |
crura membranacea ampullaria (par)
ampullary membranous legs (pair)
61129 | 7318 | tax |
ductus semicircularis lateralis (par)
lateral semicircular duct (pair)
61139 | 7319 | tax |
ampulla membranacea lateralis (par)
lateral membranous ampulla (pair)
71882 | 7320 | tax |
crus membranaceum simplex (par)
simple membranous leg (pair)
8262 |
cellulae ductus semicircularis (par)
cells of semicircular duct (pair)
72351 | 8265 | tax |
vestibulocyti (par) ; cellulae sensoriae pilosae (par)
vestibular hair cells (pair); vestibular sensory cells (pair) ; vestibulocytes (pair)
8265 |
# vestibulocytus ; cellula sensoria pilosa
# vestibular hair cell; vestibular sensory cell ; vestibulocyte
62369 | 8268 | tax |
kinocilium vestibulocyti
kinocilium of vestibular hair cell ; kinocilium of vestibulocyte
62368 | 8271 | tax |
stereocilia vestibulocyti
stereocilia of vestibular hair cell ; stereocilium of vestibulocytes
8279 | tax |
vincula stereociliaria vestibulocyti
stereociliary links of vestibular hair cell ; stereociliary link of vestibulocytes
8282 | tax |
vincula apicalia vestibulocyti
tip links of vestibular hair cell; tip link of vestibulocytes
8285 | tax |
vincula lateralia vestibulocyti
side links of vestibular hair cell; side link of vestibulocytes
8288 |
lamina cuticularis apicalis
apical cuticular plate
72352 | 8295 | tax |
vestibulocyti typi I (par) ; vestibulovestibulocyti piriformes (par)
type I vestibular hair cells (pair); type I vestibular sensory cells (pair); vestibulocyte of type Is (pair)
8295 |
# vestibulocytus typi I ; vestibulocytus piriformis
# type I vestibular hair cell; type I vestibular sensory cell; vestibulocyte of type I
8299 |
calix nervosus afferens
afferent nerve calyx
67909 | 8314 | tax |
vestibulovestibulocyti typi II (par); vestibulovestibulocyti columnares (par)
type 2 vestibular hair cells (pair); type 2 vestibular sensory cells (pair); vestibulocyte of type 2s (pair)
75707 | 8437↓ | tax |
vestibulocyti sustenantes (par)
vestibular supporting cells (pair); supporting vestibulocytes (pair)
61243 | 7321 | tax |
ductus utriculosaccularis (par) P4 8 children
utriculosaccular duct (pair)
77824 | 7322 | tax |
ductus utricularis (par)
utricular duct (pair)
77825 | 7323 | tax |
ductus saccularis (par)
saccular duct (pair)
61246 | 7324 | tax |
ductus endolymphaticus (par) P4 26 children
endolymphatic duct (pair)
75639 | 7325 | tax |
saccus endolymphaticus (par)
endolymphatic pouch (pair)
61252 | 7326 | tax |
ductus reuniens (par)
ductus reuniens (pair)
8462 |
membrana nonsensoria labyrinthi (par)
nonsensory membrane of labyrinth (pair) ; unspecialized surface (pair)
8749 | tax |
epithelium simplex cuboideum membranae nonsensoriae labyrinthi (par)
cuboid simple epithelium of nonsensory membrane of labyrinth (pair)
8497 |
cellulae obscurae sacci endolymphatici (par)
dark cells of endolymphatic pouch (pair)
8750 |
cellulae clarae sacci endolymphatici (par)
clear cells of endolymphatic pouch (pair)
8504 |
stratum vasculare laxum (par)
loose vascular layer (pair)
8732 |
stratum fibrosum externum (par)
outer fibrous layer (pair)
7327 | tax |
maculae ductus endolymphatici (par) P4 14 children
maculae of endolymphatic duct (pair)
7327 |
# macula ductus endolymphatici
# macula of endolymphatic duct
75573 | 7330 | tax |
membrana statoconica (par) ; membrana otolithica (par)
statoconial membrane (pair) ; otolithic membrane (pair)
75590 | 8743 | tax |
stratum externum membranae labii (par)
outer sheath of statoconial membrane (pair)
77826 | 7331 | tax |
statoconium (par) ; otolithus (par)
statoconium (pair) ; otolith (pair)
75591 | 8744 | tax |
stratum internum gelatinosum membranae labii (par) ; lamina profunda gelatinosa membranae labii (par)
gelatinous inner sheath of statoconial membrane (pair)
74960 | 7328 | tax |
macula utriculi (par)
macula of utricle (pair)
74961 | 14003 | tax |
striola utriculi (par)
striola of utricle (pair)
74944 | 7329 | tax |
macula sacculi (par)
macula of saccule (pair)
74947 | 14004 | tax |
striola sacculi (par)
striola of saccule (pair)
77714 | 7333 | tax |
cristae ampullares (par) P4 11 children
ampullary crests (pair)
7333 |
# crista ampullaris
# ampullary crest
74584 | 7334 | tax |
sulcus ampullaris (par)
ampullary groove (pair)
77828 | 7335 | tax |
cupula ampullaris (par)
ampullary cupula (pair)
8748 |
planum semilunatum (par)
semilunate plane (pair)
14006 | tax |
crista ampullaris anterior (par)
anterior ampullary crest (pair)
14007 | tax |
crista ampullaris lateralis (par)
lateral ampullary crest (pair)
14008 | tax |
crista ampullaris posterior (par)
posterior ampullary crest (pair)
61259 | 7336 | tax |
labyrinthus cochlearis (par)
cochlear labyrinth (pair)
61119 | 7338 | tax |
ductus cochlearis (par) ; scala media (par)
cochlear duct (pair) ; scala media (pair)
77830 | 7339 | tax |
paries vestibularis (par) P4 14 children
vestibular wall (pair)
77829 | 8875 | tax |
membrana vestibularis (par)
vestibular membrane (pair)
9201 | tax |
epithelium simplex squamosum membranae vestibularis (par)
squamous simple epithelium of vestibular membrane (pair)
8896 |
lamina propria membranae vestibularis (par)
proper layer of vestibular membrane (pair)
8918 |
lamina cellularis squamosa vestibularis (par)
vestibular squamous cellular layer (pair)
77831 | 7340 | tax |
paries externus (par) P4 44 children
external wall (pair)
77832 | 7341 | tax |
stria vascularis (par)
vascular stria (pair)
9204 |
epithelium marginale striae vascularis (par)
marginal epithelium of vascular stria of cochlear duct of internal ear (pair)
9215 |
cellulae marginales striae vascularis ductus cochlearis auris internae (par)
marginal cells of vascular stria of cochlear duct of internal ear (pair)
9214 |
melanocyti intermedii striae vascularis ductus cochlearis auris internae (par)
intermediate melanocytes of vascular stria of cochlear duct of internal ear (pair)
9214 |
# melanocytus intermedius striae vascularis
# intermediate melanocyte of vascular stria of cochlear duct of internal ear
9208 |
granula melanini
melanin granules
9209 |
cellulae basales striae vascularis ductus cochlearis auris internae (par)
basal cells of vascular stria of cochlear duct of internal ear (pair)
9210 |
plexus capillaris striae vascularis (par)
capillary plexus of vascular stria of cochlear duct of internal ear (pair)
77833 | 7342 | tax |
prominentia spiralis (par)
spiral prominence (pair)
77839 | 7343 | tax |
vas prominens ductus cochlearis (par)
vas prominens of cochlear duct of internal ear (pair)
77834 | 7344 | tax |
ligamentum spirale (par)
spiral ligament (pair)
9211 |
fibrocyti typi I ligamenti spiralis
fibrocytes of 1 type of spiral ligament (pair)
9212 |
fibrocyti typi II ligamenti spiralis
fibrocytes of 2 type of spiral ligament (pair)
9213 |
fibrocyti typi III ligamenti spiralis
fibrocytes of 3 type of spiral ligament (pair)
77851 | 7359 | tax |
sulcus spiralis externus (par)
outer spiral sulcus (pair)
9203 |
cellulae radiculares cochleae (par)
root cells of cochlea (pair)
77840 | 7345 | tax |
paries tympanicus (par) ; membrana spiralis (par) P4 11 children
tympanic wall (pair) ; spiral membrane (pair)
77837 | 7346 | tax |
crista basilaris (par) ; crista spiralis (par)
basal crest (pair); spiral crest (pair)
75706 | 7347 | tax |
lamina basilaris (par) ; membrana basilaris (par)
basilar layer (pair) ; basilar membrane (pair)
77841 | 7348 | tax |
vas spirale (par)
vas spirale (pair)
77843 | 7349 | tax |
limbus spiralis (par) P4 14 children
spiral limbus (pair)
77844 | 7350 | tax |
labium tympanicum limbi spiralis (par)
tympanic lip of spiral limbus (pair)
9216 |
foramina nervosa (par)
nervous foramina (pair)
77845 | 7351 | tax |
labium vestibulare limbi spiralis (par) ; labium limbi vestibulare (par)
vestibular lip of spiral limbus (pair)
7352 | tax |
dentes acustici (par)
acoustic teeth (pair)
7352 |
# dens acusticus
# acoustic tooth
79797 | 9265 | tax |
epitheliocyti interdentales
interdental epitheliocytes ; interdental cells
77850 | 7358 | tax |
sulcus spiralis internus (par)
inner spiral sulcus (pair)
75805 | 7353 | tax |
membrana tectoria (par)
tectorial membrane (pair)
8835 |
linea interna membranae tectoriae (par)
inner stripe of tectorial membrane of cochlear duct of internal ear (pair)
8842 |
linea externa membranae tectoriae (par)
outer stripe of tectorial membrane of cochlear duct of internal ear (pair)
77847 | 7354 | tax |
caecum vestibulare (par)
vestibular caecum (pair) ▲
77848 | 7355 | tax |
caecum cupulare (par)
cupular caecum (pair) ▲
75715 | 7356 | tax |
organum spirale (par)
spiral organ (pair)
9217↓ |
cellulae organi spiralis (par)
cells of spiral organ (pair)
79798 | 8779 | tax |
epitheliocyti limitantes (par) P4 17 children
; limiting epitheliocytes (pair) ; limiting epithelial cells (pair)
14092 |
epitheliocyti limitantes sulci spiralis interni (par)
inner sulcus cells (pair); cuboidal inner sulcus cells (pair)
9218 | tax |
epitheliocyti limitantes interni (par)
inner border cells (pair); internal limiting epitheliocytes (pair)
79799 | 9219 | tax |
epitheliocyti limitantes externi (par)
outer border cells (pair); external limiting epitheliocytes (pair)
9220 | tax |
epitheliocyti glandulares externi basales (par)
basal external glandular cells (pair); basal external glandular epitheliocytes (pair)
79802 | 9224 | tax |
epitheliocyti limitantes sulci spiralis externi (par) ; epithelioepitheliocyti cuboidei sustenansexterni (par)
outer sulcus cells (pair); cuboidal external supporting cells (pair)
9225 | tax |
epitheliocyti sustenantes cochleae (par) P4 14 children
supporting cells (pair); supporting epitheliocytes of cochlea (pair) ; supporting epithelial cells (pair)
75726 | 9226↓ | tax |
epitheliocyti pilares interni (par)
internal pillar epithelial cells (pair)
75727 | 9235↓ | tax |
epitheliocyti pilares externi (par)
external pillar epithelial cells (pair)
9235 |
# epitheliocytus pilaris externus
# external pillar epithelial cell
9236 |
crus epitheliocyti pilaris externi
leg of external pillar epithelial cell
9255 |
scapus epitheliocyti pilaris externi
rod of external pillar epithelial cell
9256 |
caput epitheliocyti pilaris externi
head of external pillar epithelial cell
79801 | 9258 | tax |
epitheliocyti phalangei interni (par)
internal phalangeal supporting cells (pair); internal phalangeal epitheliocytes (pair)
75725 | 9259 | tax |
epitheliocyti phalangei externi (par)
external phalangeal supporting cells (pair); external phalangeal epitheliocytes (pair)
9259 |
# epitheliocytus phalangeus externus
# external phalangeal supporting cell; external phalangeal epitheliocyte
9260 |
processus phalangeus
phalangeal process
62364 | 8803 | tax |
cochleocyti (par) P4 8 children
cochlear hair cells (pair); cochleocytes (pair)
8803 |
# cochleocytus
# cochlear hair cell; cochleocyte
9261 |
lamina cuticularis
cuticular plate of cochlear hair cell; cuticular plate of cochleocyte
62367 | 9262 | tax |
stereocilia of cochlear hair cell; stereocilium of cochleocytes
9263 | tax |
ordines stereocilii cochleocyti
row of stereociliae of cochlear hair cell; row of stereocilia of cochleocytes
9264 | tax |
vincula stereociliaria cochleocyti
stereociliary links of cochlear hair cell ; stereociliary link of cochleocytes
9271 | tax |
vincula apicalia cochleocyti
tip links of cochlear hair cell; tip link of cochleocytes
9273 | tax |
vincula lateralia cochleocyti
side links of cochlear hair cell; side link of cochleocytes
9274 | tax |
vincula interordinalia cochleocyti
inter-row links of cochlear hair cell; inter-row link of cochleocytes ▲
9276 |
vincula adhesionis membranae tectoriae ductus cochlearis auris internae
attachment links of tectorial membrane of cochlear duct of internal ear
9277 |
lamina insertionis vinculi stereociliaris cochleocyti
insertion plaque of stereociliary link of cochlear hair cell; insertion plaque of stereociliary link of cochleocyte
62365 | 9280 | tax |
cochleocyti interni (par)
inner hair cells (pair); internal cochleocytes (pair)
62366 | 9285 | tax |
cochleocyti externi (par)
outer hair cells (pair); external cochleocytes (pair)
9285 |
# cochleocytus externus
# outer hair cell; external cochleocyte
9288 |
cisterna subsynaptica (par)
subsynaptic cistern (pair)
77849 | 7357 | tax |
membrana reticularis (par)
reticular membrane (pair)
8874 | tax |
cuniculi organi spiralis (par) P4 11 children
tunnels of spiral organ (pair)
9289 | tax |
cuniculus externus (par)
external tunnel (pair)
9290 | tax |
cuniculus internus (par)
internal tunnel (pair)
9291 | tax |
cuniculus intermedius (par)
intermediate tunnel (pair)
9292 | tax |
ganglia vestibulocochlearia (par) P4 47 children
vestibulocochlear ganglia (pair)
53445 | 6500 | tax |
ganglion cochleare (par) ; ganglion spirale (par)
cochlear ganglion (pair) ; spiral ganglion (pair)
9293 | tax |
neura bipolaria ganglii cochlearis (par)
bipolar neurons of cochlear ganglion (pair)
9296 |
neura ganglionaria externa ganglii cochlearis (par) ; perikarya nonmyelinata (par)
outer cochlear ganglion cells (pair); nonmyelinated perikarya (pair) ; type II cells (pair)
9297 |
neura ganglionaria interna ganglii cochlearis (par) ; perikarya myelinata (par)
inner cochlear ganglion cells (pair); myelinated perikarya (pair) ; type I cells (pair)
9300 |
gliocyti ganglii cochlearis (par)
satellite cells of cochlear ganglion (pair); gliocytes of cochlear ganglion (pair)
9301 |
neurofibrae radiales ganglii cochlearis (par)
radial fibres of cochlear ganglion (pair) ▲
9302 |
neurofibrae basilares ganglii cochlearis (par)
basilar fibres of cochlear ganglion (pair) ▲
9303 |
neurofibrae spirales ganglii cochlearis (par)
spiral neurofibres of cochlear ganglion (pair) ▲
9304 |
fasciculus spiralis internus (par)
inner spiral bundle (pair)
9306 |
fasciculus spiralis externus (par)
outer spiral bundle (pair)
53435 | 6489 | tax |
ganglion vestibulare (par)
vestibular ganglion (pair)
11909 | tax |
neura bipolaria ganglii vestibularis (par)
bipolar neurons of vestibular ganglion (pair)
9309 | tax |
neura magna ganglii vestibularis (par)
large neurons of vestibular ganglion (pair)
9310 | tax |
neura parva ganglii vestibularis (par)
small neurons of vestibular ganglion (pair)
9311 |
gliocyti ganglii vestibularis (par)
satellite cells of vestibular ganglion (pair)
50869 | 6487 | tax | ||||
7361 | tax |
vasa sanguinea auris internae (par) P4 58 children
blood vessels of internal ear (pair)
50548 | 4069 | tax | ||||
52239 | 7362 | tax |
arteria vestibularis anterior (par)
anterior vestibular artery (pair)
52242 | 7363 | tax |
arteria cochlearis communis (par)
common cochlear artery (pair)
52246 | 7364 | tax |
arteria vestibulocochlearis (par)
vestibulocochlear artery (pair)
8927 | tax |
(ramus vestibularis anterior (par) )
(anterior vestibular branch (pair) )
52253 | 7365 | tax |
ramus vestibularis posterior (par)
posterior vestibular branch (pair)
52254 | 7366 | tax |
ramus cochlearis (par)
cochlear branch (pair)
52308 | 7367 | tax |
arteria cochlearis propria (par)
proper cochlear artery (pair)
52312 | 7368 | tax |
arteria modioli spiralis (par)
spiral modiolar artery (pair)
52367 | 7369 | tax |
vena canaliculi vestibuli (par)
vein of vestibular canaliculus (pair)
52407 | 7370 | tax |
venae ductus semicircularis (par)
veins of semicircular duct (pair)
50842 | 7371 | tax |
vena canaliculi cochleae (par)
vein of cochlear canaliculus (pair)
52411 | 7372 | tax |
vena modioli communis (par)
common modiolar vein (pair)
52427 | 7373 | tax |
vena scalae vestibuli (par)
vein of scala vestibuli (pair)
52426 | 7374 | tax |
vena scalae tympani (par)
vein of scala tympani (pair)
52414 | 7375 | tax |
vena vestibulocochlearis (par)
vestibulocochlear vein (pair)
52433 | 7376 | tax |
vena vestibularis anterior (par)
anterior vestibular vein (pair)
52434 | 7377 | tax |
vena vestibularis posterior (par)
posterior vestibular vein (pair)
77852 | 7378 | tax |
vena fenestrae cochlearis (par)
vein of cochlear window (pair)
52386 | 4568 | tax | ||||
229 lines
67.2 %
53.3 %
56 partial items
553 entities
Scientific notes |
Libelle of note
5224 |
For the Reticulospinal tracts various terms are used in the literature. Following the study on human reticulospinal fibres by Nathan PW, Smith MC, Deacon P (1996 Vestibulospinal, reticulospinal and descending propriospinal nerve fibres in man. Brain 119:1809-1833), here, a simplified subdivision into a Lateral (from The Myelencephalon) and a Medial reticulospinal tract (from the Pons) is advocated.
7258 |
In ENT Surgery, the Macula cribrosa superior is known as 'Mike's dot' (after Michael E. Glasscock). It is an important landmark for translabyrinthine resection of an acoustic neurinoma.
8437 |
See note # 5224
9217 |
The cell types of the Organum spirale have been rearranged as Epitheliocyti limitantes (Border cells), Epitheliocyti sustenantes (Supporting cells) and Cochleocyti (Hair cells). Inner and outer sulcus cells have been added to the border cells (Fritzsch B, Elliott KL 2018 Auditory nomenclature: Combining name recognition with anatomical description. Front Neuroanat 12:99).
9226 |
The German “Pfeilerzelle” was correctly translated into US English as “pillar cell”, but in UK English as “pilar cell”(Fritzsch B, Elliott KL 2018 Auditory nomenclature: Combining name recognition with anatomical description. Front Neuroanat 12:98).
9235 |
See note # 9226
Signature |
Type of list | P3F |
List Unit Identifier | 7247 |
Sublist 1 | 7250 vestibulum 31/12 on 30.7.2024 |
Sublist 2 | 7261 canalis semicircularis 29/10 on 31.3.2018 |
Sublist 3 | 7271 cochlea 58/21 on 30.7.2024 |
Sublist 4 | 7311 ductus semicircularis 44/15 on 31.3.2018 |
Sublist 5 | 7321 ductus utriculosaccularis 8/3 on 31.3.2018 |
Sublist 6 | 7324 ductus endolymphaticus 26/9 on 30.7.2024 |
Sublist 7 | 7327 maculae ductus endolymphatici 14/5 on 30.7.2024 |
Sublist 8 | 7333 cristae ampullares 11/4 on 30.7.2024 |
Sublist 9 | 7339 paries vestibularis 14/5 on 31.3.2018 |
Sublist 10 | 7340 paries externus 44/15 on 31.3.2018 |
Sublist 11 | 7345 paries tympanicus 11/4 on 31.3.2018 |
Sublist 12 | 7349 limbus spiralis 14/5 on 31.3.2018 |
Sublist 13 | 7361 vas sanguineum auris internae 58/21 on 30.7.2024 |
Sublist 14 | 8779 epitheliocytus limitans 17/6 on 24.11.2020 |
Sublist 15 | 8803 cochleocytus 8/3 on 31.3.2018 |
Sublist 16 | 8874 cuniculus 11/4 on 31.3.2018 |
Sublist 17 | 9225 epitheliocytus sustenans 14/5 on 31.3.2018 |
Sublist 18 | 9292 ganglio vestibulocochleare 47/16 on 31.3.2018 |
Subtotals | subchildren 459 subunits 163 |
Proper children | 93 |
Number of children | 552 (validated) |
Proper units | 26 |
Number of units | 189 (validated) |
Signature | 21793 (validated since 30.7.2024) |
Date: 13.10.2024 |